If a Leximancer project is taking hours to run, fails to complete a processing stage, or halts with an error message mentioning "out of memory", you may need to increase the memory available to Leximancer.

Leximancer 4.5 is configured to use 1 gigabyte (1GB) of memory by default. This is usually adequate for most analysis purposes. If however you have projects with very large document sets (several hundred megabytes or more) or are using a project configuration that is complex you may need to adjust the amount of memory allocated to Leximancer.

You should not attempt to allocate more than 1/2 of the memory your computer has to Leximancer.

Note: If you are not comfortable working with your computer's command line, you should have your I.T. department assist in adjusting the memory settings. You may also need administrative rights to alter these settings.

Shutdown Leximancer and follow the procedure for your operating system below, and then restart Leximancer.

WarningDo not allocate more than 1/2 of your machine's memory. If you have other memory intensive applications running, Leximancer may not be able to allocate the requested amount of memory and will not start.


In the Leximancer installation directory there is a file leximancer.l4j.ini. By default it looks like this:

# Leximancer runtime configuration
# -XmxNUMBERm max memory
# Example -Xmx700m, this gives Leximancer up to 700 megabytes of memory
# Example -Xmx2000m, this gives Leximancer up to 2GB of memory

The line with -Xmx1024m should be replaced with the desired memory value:

  1. -Xmx2g will allocate 2 gigabytes of memory to Leximancer

  2. -Xmx1500M will allocate 1.5 gigabytes (1500 megabytes) to Leximancer

It is suggested you comment out the -Xmx1024m by placing a # at the start of the line so you may easily return to the default value if desired.


From the terminal issue the command (on one line):

defaults write com.leximancer.desktop /com/leximancer/desktop/ -dict-add JVMOptions/ '{"max-memory"="-Xmx4g";}'

You may change the -Xmx4g value to the desired amount of memory:

  1. -Xmx4g allocate 4 gigabytes

  2. -Xmx2g allocate 2 gigabytes

  3. -Xmx750M allocate 750 megabytes

To restore the Leximancer default memory allocation: defaults delete com.leximancer.desktop