To view Leximancer in your browser, visit:

Leximancer Desktop Notes:
Leximancer Desktop will try to start by opening your computer's default browser. If you prefer to use a different web browser, or experience an issue with the default browser, copy one of the above URLs and paste it into the address bar of the browser of your choice (Chrome, Safari, IE 11/Edge, Firefox).

If Leximancer will still not display in any browser, the Leximancer service running on your desktop may be being blocked by firewall or anti-virus software. Leximancer Desktop must be able to communicate with your web-browser. If you are not familiar with any firewall or anti-virus software running on your machine you may need to contact your local technical support to allow Leximancer to communicate with the web browser using port 8085.

Leximancer Desktop does not communicate over the internet. It runs on your computer and will only communicate with the browser on your machine.